Hi class! 👋

I'm Natalia's Dad

My name is John


My job is a

Software Engineering Manager

A set of instructions that a person gives a computer to tell it what to do.
The practice of solving problems with technology.
Someone who helps people do their job and find ways to keep them learning new things.

Software Engineering Managers write <code> and help others who write code create websites and apps for computers, phones, and tablets.

What is code?

  • Code is a way to tell computers how to do something in a language they understand
  • It's not too different from speaking a language other than English
  • There are a lot of coding languages you can learn. Some of them are:
    • JavaScript
    • Python
    • C++
    • Rust
    • Go
    • HTML/CSS
  • Software Engineers type the code into a computer and it understands what to do and how to make things work and look.

Why do I love my job?

  • I get to be creative every day
  • I'm always learning something new
  • I solve problems
  • I make things that people use
  • I can use what I learn at work for fun stuff at home. Like....

Remember this? 🎃


I did that by writing <code> and running it on a small computer called a Raspberry Pi with a small round screen

                import pygame
    from PIL import Image
    import random
    import os

    # Initialize pygame for display and graphics handling

    # Set up a 480x480 window for displaying GIFs
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 480))

    # List of GIF files with their respective weights for random selection
    gif_files = [
        ("blink.gif", 3),  # More likely to be chosen (weight 3)
        ("look-left.gif", 1),
        ("look-right.gif", 1),

    # Function to load and process a GIF file into pygame-compatible frames
    def load_gif(gif_path):
        gif = Image.open(gif_path)  # Open the GIF file
        frames = []  # List to store individual frames
        frame_durations = []  # List to store frame durations

        # Extract and process each frame
        for frame in range(0, gif.n_frames):
            gif.seek(frame)  # Go to the specific frame
            frame_image = gif.convert("RGBA")  # Convert to RGBA for pygame compatibility

            # Rotate the frame 90 degrees counterclockwise
            rotated_frame = frame_image.rotate(90, expand=True)

            # Convert the frame to a pygame image
            mode = rotated_frame.mode
            size = rotated_frame.size
            data = rotated_frame.tobytes()
            py_image = pygame.image.fromstring(data, size, mode)

            # Append frame and its duration
            duration = gif.info.get("duration", 100) / 1000.0  # Duration in seconds

        return frames, frame_durations

    # Function to play a GIF frame-by-frame on the pygame display
    def play_gif(frames, frame_durations):
        current_frame = 0  # Start with the first frame
        last_update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()  # Time tracking for frame updates

        while current_frame < len(frames):
            # Handle user events (e.g., quit or escape key)
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                    return False
                elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                        return False

            now = pygame.time.get_ticks()

            # Check if it's time to update the frame
            if now - last_update_time > frame_durations[current_frame] * 1000:
                current_frame += 1
                last_update_time = now

            if current_frame < len(frames):
                # Center the frame on the screen and display it
                frame_rect = frames[current_frame].get_rect(center=(235, 245))
                screen.blit(frames[current_frame], frame_rect)

            clock.tick(60)  # Limit the loop to 60 frames per second

        return True

    # Main loop that handles GIF playback
    running = True
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()  # Clock to control frame rate

        while running:

            # Randomly select a GIF file based on weights
            current_gif, _ = random.choices(gif_files, weights=[w for _, w in gif_files], k=1)[0]
            gif_path = os.path.join("/home/pi", current_gif)  # Path to the selected GIF

            # Load and play the selected GIF
            frames, frame_durations = load_gif(gif_path)
            running = play_gif(frames, frame_durations)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # Graceful exit on manual interruption
        print("Program interrupted")

Raspberry Pi

How to become a Software Engineer?

  • Learn to use computers at school or at home
  • Ask your STEM teacher about coding
  • Play coding games at home like Scratch and Roblox
  • Practice solving problems and being creative
  • Study Math and Computer Science

What about websites?

Most websites are built with

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
The building blocks (like digital LEGO pieces)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
The colors and decorations (makes things pretty!)
The magic that makes things move and work
<h4 class="font-bold text-white" id="title">
    Most websites are built with

.font-bold {
    font-weight: bold;
.text-white {
    color: white;

    .addEventListener('click', (e) => {
        e.target.style.color = randomColor();
Let's build a website together! NataliasDad.com

But, first...
any questions?